Joanna Kawecki

Joanna Kawecki

There are surprisingly many people who wonder what kind of design, contemporary design is. At we+, we say that it expands the value of design and creates new perspectives. However, there is actually no clear definition. It can be collectible design like what Design Miami pioneered. It can be experimental design based on research. Such design is generally called "contemporary design." Right now, due to COVID-19, the world is at a major turning point. Therefore, we want to talk to design industry professionals to discuss where contemporary design should be headed. Our first guest is Joanna Kawecki, a design journalist managing a global design magazine called "ALA CHAMP."

コンテンポラリーデザインってどんなデザインなの?と、疑問に思われる方は意外と多いのではないだろうか。we+では、デザインの価値を拡張し、新しい潮流を生み出すデザインのことをそう呼んでいる。ただ、実のところ明確な定義はなくて、Design Miamiが開拓したアートのようにコレクト(兎集)されるデザインや、リサーチに基づく実験的なデザインが、一般的にコンテンポラリーデザインと言われているようだ。いま世界は、新型コロナの影響もあり、大きな転換点を迎えている。だからこそ、デザイン業界のプロフェッショナルとの対談を通して、コンテンポラリーデザインの向かうべき先を探りたい。記念すべき第1回目のゲストはJoanna Kawecki。ALA CHAMPというグローバルデザインマガジンを主宰するデザインジャーナリストだ。

Joanna Kawecki
A writer and editor specialising in design and architecture. Australian-born to Polish parents, she currently resides in Tokyo since 2013. Joanna co-founded Ala Champ Magazine in 2009, and also leads Champ Creative, an international consultancy and special projects studio, whilst also regularly contributing to various international print and online media including Surface Magazine, Indesignlive and Habitusliving. Driven by curiosity, she is interested in innovation in design whilst also exploring the origins of craftsmanship and tradition.
デザインと建築を専門とするライター兼エディター。ポーランド人の両親のもと、オーストラリアで生まれる。2013年から東京在住。2009年にAla Champ Magazineを共同設立。国際的なコンサルティングおよび特別なプロジェクトのためのスタジオChamp Creativeを率いるほか、Surface Magazine、Indesignlive、Habituslivingなどグローバルな印刷&オンラインメディアに定期的に寄稿。好奇心の赴くままに、デザインの革新に興味を持ち、職人技と伝統の起源を探求している。

Joanna thoughts on Japanese contemporary design


HokutoFirst of all, can you briefly tell us about ALA CHAMP?

安藤まず、あなたが主宰するALA CHAMPについて簡単にご紹介いただけますか?

JoannaI always loved collecting magazines and books and was interested in publishing. I have been based in various cities such as London, Paris and Berlin. Like i-D magazine in London, the magazine in each city focused on the respective city and country. But there was no magazine that connected the world. So I wanted to create a medium for the world going beyond national borders. In 2009, ALA CHAMP was started as a global medium to cover design, fashion, art, and contemporary culture.

ジョアンナ昔から雑誌や本を集めるのが好きで、出版に興味があったんです。私はロンドンやパリ、ベルリンなど、さまざまな都市を拠点にしてきましたが、例えば、ロンドンのi-D magazineのように、都市ごとに、その土地や国にフォーカスした媒体がありました。でも世界をつなぐ雑誌はなかったんです。そこで、国境を超えたグローバルスケールの媒体をつくりたいと思い、デザイン、ファッション、アート、コンテンポラリーカルチャーを紹介するグローバルマガジンALA CHAMPを2009年からはじめました。

ToshiyaYou are currently based in Tokyo. Why Tokyo?


JoannaWhen I was living in Australia, my younger twin sister Monique, with whom I started ALA CHAMP, was living in London. Since Tokyo was halfway between our two cities, we often met up in Tokyo. I eventually made friends in Tokyo, created a community, and wanted to see more of the city. At first, I intended to stay in Tokyo for a short period, but it has already become seven years. I didn't think I would spend this much time exploring Tokyo's architecture and design.

ジョアンナ私がオーストラリアに住んでいた頃、のちにALA CHAMPを共に立ち上げる双子の妹Moniqueがロンドンに住んでいて、東京がちょうど中間地点だったのでよく東京で会っていたんです。そのうち東京にも友人ができ、コミュニティができ、もっとこの街を見てみたいと思うようになって。最初は少しだけ滞在する予定でしたが、かれこれ6〜7年になります。こんなに長い間、東京で建築やデザインを探求するとは思っていませんでした。

ToshiyaTokyo or Japan must have something that attracts you. ALA CHAMP has been a media partner with Design Miami since 2012. As someone who has long observed mainstream contemporary design, what does contemporary design mean to you?

東京や日本には、あなたを惹きつける何かがあるんでしょうね。ALA CHAMPは、2012年から Design Miami のメディアパートナーを務めています。コンテンポラリーデザインのメインストリームをずっと見てきたあなたにとって、コンテンポラリーデザインとは何でしょうか?

JoannaI think it reflects the times. We could call it, "The design of era" or "The design of period." It reflects the trends, movements, aesthetics, ideas, and even the innovations and technologies of the times. Contemporary design can be applied to many disciplines across product, furniture, visual/ graphic, spatial design, but it always reflects thinking that offers solutions for “today” and the future. An important role of designers, is to push the limits of creativity and innovation in design.

ジョアンナ時代を反映したものだと思います。“The design of era”あるいは“The design of period”とも言えるかもしれません。トレンドやムーブメント、美学、概念、さらには時代のイノベーションやテクノロジーも映し出すものではないでしょうか。コンテンポラリーデザインは、プロダクト、家具、ビジュアル&グラフィック、空間など多くの分野に応用できますし、今と未来をより良くするという思考の体現でもあります。 デザイナーにとって、創造性とイノベーションのリミットを押し広げていくことは重要な役割ですし。

HokutoFrom that perspective, which designer is now attracting attention?


JoannaIn Japan, Tokujin Yoshioka is an excellent contemporary designer due to his diverse body of works that explore nature and design and all hold his consistent and recognisable “thread” which allows for collectibility. I also love the conceptual thinking of TAKT PROJECT and I really admire the work of Ryosuke Harashima whose work I first came across at Somewhere Tokyo. He combines modern materials (such as brass fittings) together with antique objects such as urushi lacquered bowls or bamboo baskets to create a completely new context and design. Among overseas designers, Sabine Marcelis first comes to mind. She has a refined, unique design style and works with many collaborators while based in Rotterdam. She works with various craftsmen and pushes them to create new techniques they may not have previously created which is important for the progression of the design industry. More-so, her work can be applied in other contexts such as spaces by OMA. I must also mention that what I absolutely love about we+’s works, is kinetics and phenomena-driven approach always with an innovation in original materials. Your designs are always so multi-layered and visually captivating that both represent current times and reflect a sense of the future.

ジョアンナ日本人だと、吉岡徳仁さんは優れたコンテンポラリーデザイナーだと思います。自然とデザインの探求から生まれる彼の作品群は、多彩でありながら一貫した特徴を備えており、コレクト(蒐集)したいと思わせます。TAKT PROJECTのコンセプチュアルな考え方も好きですね。SOMEWHERE TOKYOで初めて出会った原嶋亮輔さんの作品もすばらしい。真鍮の金具のようなモダンな素材と、漆器や竹籠などアンティークを組み合わせ、まったく新しい文脈とデザインを生み出しています。一方、海外勢でまず思いつくのは、Sabine Marcelisでしょうか。彼女は、洗練された独特のデザインスタイルを持ち、ロッテルダムを拠点に数多くのコラボレーターと仕事をしています。以前は存在しなかった新しい技術を生み出すべく、ともに働くさまざまな職人たちを鼓舞する姿勢は、デザイン業界の発展にとって大切なことではないでしょうか。彼女の作品は、建築設計事務所OMAが手がける空間など、他の文脈にも応用されています。もちろん、we+の動きと現象に導かれるアプローチも大好きです。作品はいつも、素材の革新から生まれていますね。非常に多層的で、視覚的な魅力にも溢れ、今を表すとともに、未来の感覚も反映していると思います。

Sabine Marcelis, No Fear Of Glass (2019)
Photo: Jose Hevia
Sabine Marcelis, No Fear Of Glass (2019)
Photo: Jose Hevia

ToshiyaOh, thank you very much! I think it is important to have an inquiring mind and have it lead to new contexts. Overseas, contemporary design makes a major impression. What do you think about Japan's scene?


JoannaSince Japan doesn't have a strong number of collectors or buyers, Japan's contemporary design market is difficult to identify. The Japanese have different purchasing habits compared to Western countries, dependent on a number of factors such as lifestyle and the perception of design. They favour works that have functional use in daily life and seldom buy works for collections. There is the background of “Kogei”. Rather than producing artistic pieces in a super collectible, Japanese designers are happy to just create designs that most people can understand and access. What Japanese designers should do is, create a different layer for the world market.


HokutoJapanese homes also have a more limited space, so it may well produce unique viewpoints.


ToshiyaChairman of Sempre Design, Mr.Tamura and Joe Suzuki established a temporary design gallery named "Gallery Tamura Joe." Since Japan has so few design galleries, it may be one reason why contemporary design has not taken hold among the populace.

私たちもお世話になっている、センプレデザインの田村会長とジョースズキさんが「Gallery Tamura Joe」というテンポラリーなデザインギャラリーを立ち上げられてはいますが、日本にはデザインギャラリーが少ないことも、コンテンポラリーデザインが市民権を得ていない理由の一つかもしれません。

Gallery Tamura Joe
Photo: Joe Suzuki
Gallery Tamura Joe
Photo: Joe Suzuki

JoannaYes, you're right. As with art, contemporary design needs gallerists who can negotiate with collectors. For example, the Carpenters Workshop Gallery in London and Paris connects its designers with collectors and negotiates pricing. It would be nice for Japan to have more design galleries that people can develop new relationships with collectible design with.

ジョアンナそうですね。アートのように、コレクターと交渉ができるギャラリストやエージェントがコンテンポラリーデザインにも必要です。例えばCarpenters Workshop Galleryは、ロンドンやパリに拠点があり、所属デザイナーとコレクターをつないで価格交渉もします。日本にも足を運べるデザインギャラリーがもっとできると、コレクト(蒐集)できるデザインが身近になるのでいいですよね。

Contemporary design market trends at Design Miami

Design Miamiに感じる、コンテンポラリーデザインマーケットの潮流

JoannaLast December, you went to Design Miami in Miami. What did you like and what good experiences did you have?

ジョアンナ昨年の12月にマイアミで開催されたDesign Miamiに行かれたとのことですが、何が良かったですか?何かいい経験はできました?

ToshiyaWhat I found interesting was that Japanese potters' pieces were exhibited at both Art Basel and Design Miami. I thought it was unique to see pottery in both the art and design realms.

私が興味深かったのは、日本の陶芸作家の作品が、Art BaselとDesign Miami、両方で展示されていたことです。アートとデザイン、両方の文脈で取り扱われる陶芸は、独特だなと思いました。

JoannaThat's interesting. Did Design Miami give you any ideas for new works?

ジョアンナそれは面白いですね。Design Miamiを通して何か新しい作品のアイデアを思いつきました?

HokutoIt was my first time to see it. It was very significant to directly experience the contemporary design market. For our exhibit in the future, I thought that we must create things that integrate into daily life and things that can be kept in an office, home, and public space for a long time. As Joanna said earlier, design reflects society, so we have to also clearly include that perspective in our presentation.


JoannaI think that Design Miami is a very interesting place to gauge the value of the global collectible design market. However, Design Miami is still much smaller than the Art Basel venue. Whilst Design Miami features collectible design, Art Basel features collectible art and the larger size of their venue reflects collector's budget and value of investing in works. It is clear that art holds much more collectible value than design pieces. Yet it is often in retrospect that the value of design receives new popularity, such as Shiro Kuramata’s or Jean Prouve’s works, or Dieter Rams at Braun. For example, if Design Miami had a larger number of patrons or commercial sponsors like Art Basel has, that can invest more money in the event, I think the venue would be more invigorated with a greater sense of diversity in design and global community. From that perspective, Milan Design Week’s structure is fascinating for it’s range of events and involvements across the city — it truly feels like a design festival, celebrating all facets of design.

ジョアンナDesign Miamiは、世界のコレクティブルデザイン市場の価値を測る上で、とても興味深い場所だと感じています。Art Baselの会場に比べると、Design Miamiはとても小さい。Design Miamiはコレクティブルデザインを、Art Baselはコレクティブルアートを扱っているわけですが、会場のサイズは、コレクターの予算や作品の投資対象としての価値を表しているようです。もちろん、アートの方がデザインよりもコレクション性が高いことは明白ですが、振り返ってみると、倉俣史朗やJean Prouve、BraunのDieter Ramsの作品のように、デザインの価値が新たな脚光を浴びることはよくあることです。だから、Art Baselのように、Design Miamiにもより多くのパトロンやスポンサーがついて、さらに多くのお金を投資できるようになれば、デザインの多様性やグローバルなコミュニティが生まれ、さらにあの場所は活性化するのではないかと感じます。その点、Milan Design Weekでは、街中でさまざまなイベントが開催され、デザインのあらゆる側面に光が当たります。まさにデザインの祭典のように感じられて魅力的です。

ToshiyaI see. However, many collectors actually bought works there. If we exhibit there and sell our works and make connections with collectors and gallerists, it would be worth the venue fee and other expenses.


JoannaThat would be good. I would be very curious about the type of collector and the reasons for the purchase. Would it be for a personal collection, or an investment purchase? It would be interesting to analyse.


What people will want from Japanese designers


JoannaHave you ever thought of creating designs for daily use?


ToshiyaI think our style is a little different from other designers. Because designing products and furniture was not our specialty, we always strive to find new design angles and perspectives. We think this is our role. We start from thinking about how chairs are made, do continual research, and develop new materials. For the Grand Seiko installation at Milan Design Week last year, we developed a fluid that glows. We might be more of a researcher.

私たちのスタイルは、他のデザイナーとちょっと違うと思います。もともとプロダクトや家具が専門領域ではなかったこともあり、いつも試みているのは、デザインの新しい視座・視点を見つけることなんです。それが私たちの役割だと思っていて、椅子をつくり方から考えたり、リサーチを重ねて、新しい素材を開発したりしています。昨年のMilan Design Weekで発表したグランドセイコーのインスタレーションでは、光る流体を開発しました。リサーチャーと近しい側面があるのかもしれません。

we+, FLUX (2019)
Photo: Daisuke Ohki
we+, FLUX (2019)
Photo: Daisuke Ohki

JoannaFor example, Spiber inc. is a company rooted in research and development and aiming for practical uses of protein materials. They receive a lot of support from the national and local governments. I know we+ is a design studio that also focuses on research and development. How do you cover the expenses?

ジョアンナ例えば、Spiber inc.はタンパク質素材の実用化を目指す研究開発を土台とした会社ですが、彼らは国や自治体から多くのサポートを得ています。we+もまた、研究開発やリサーチを大切にするデザインスタジオですが、その費用はどのように賄っているのですか?

HokutoThe costs for our day-to-day research and development of our own works are covered by profits earned from work for clients. However, we have recently been getting more invitations to join corporate R&D projects. We think about new concepts for products and services and conduct research and prototype development together. However, in many cases, we use the knowledge and contemporary design perspectives gained from our day-to-day research.


JoannaWith that in mind, the vocabulary used in the design industry also needs to change. The creative field is multidisciplinary, and designers will need a new language. As with architecture needing to expand beyond its traditional sculptural role, Japanese design also needs to change.


HokutoYes, I think now is the right time for change. I think the role of Japanese designers is expanding every year, and what clients want from designers is changing a lot. Besides designing and making things, designers must have a broad understanding of many things in society such as our daily life, environment, ecosystem, history, and economy and be more relevant.


JoannaYes, I think it's common sense for the many companies to recognize and value the input from designers. Speaking of which, when we+ unveiled its new studio, didn't I meet the designer who designed the Tokyo Olympic medal case?


ToshiyaThat was Shinya Yoshida.


JoannaOh yes, that was wonderful. A big organization like the Olympic organizing committee needs to understand the great power that each designer can have. Media such as magazines should also clearly publicize the importance of designers. Japan has wonderful design and architecture magazines that cover creative works, but they don't shed much light on the people creating them. I think they should talk more about the creator and his or her background such as the person's upbringing, career, and influences. Also, if there were more media introducing Japanese design in both Japanese and English, people around the world would know about Japan's design scene and it may change Japan's design industry.


ToshiyaTo better convey Japanese design to the world, I think it would be nice if there were more Japanese designers working overseas.


JoannaYes, I agree. In the case of Japan, trends in fashion, art, and design tend to come from overseas. For example, when TAKT PROJECT attracted the interest of overseas markets, it sparked their popularity in Japan too. With globalization, communicating in English is extremely important and you can talk about your work to world markets. This would be a great advantage for a design studio. I think it is an important asset for Japanese designers to grow.

ジョアンナそうですね。日本の場合、ファッションも、アートも、デザインも、流行は海外からやってくる傾向があります。例えば、海外のマーケットがTAKT PROJECTに興味を持って、日本でも彼らの人気に火がついたように。グローバル化が進む中、英語でのコミュニケーションは非常に重要で、英語が話せれば、自分の作品を世界のマーケットに向けて発信することができるし、デザインスタジオにとっては大きなアドバンテージになります。日本のデザイナーが成長していくには大きな強みになると思います。

HokutoTo that end, for example, exhibiting at Milano Salone is one way designers can easily connect to the world. Japan is a small island nation and with a self-sustaining industry, perhaps there is little sense of urgency to venture abroad. In the case of South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore, their domestic industry is small, so they are forced to go abroad. As a result, they have produced designers who can compete internationally.

安藤そういう意味では、例えばMilan Design Weekで作品を発表することは、デザイナーが世界と簡単につながれる方法の一つですね。日本は小さな島国ですが、自国で産業が成り立っているゆえ、海外に出ていかなければ!という危機感が薄かったのかもしれません。韓国、台湾、シンガポール…、彼らは自国の産業が小さく、海外に出ていかざるを得ないわけですが、結果、世界で戦えるデザイナーも輩出しています。

we+, Drought (2017)
Photo: Masayuki Hayashi
we+, Drought (2017)
Photo: Masayuki Hayashi

JoannaIt's important to be connected to the world, but it's also equally important to hold a design week in Tokyo. Since Japan has a treasure trove of great designers and craftsmen, I want them to be promoted more widely to the world by producers and curators who can conduct PR projects. The advancement of the design industry relies heavily on the strength of individuals who promote the value of design and fashion. Even when we look at the popularity of global design weeks, it is based on the director’s or management’s global community and their relationship with sponsors such as Swarovski that can support to build a strong industry. It is always the individual who recognizes the value and advances the industry. In Japan, it really is necessary to have someone like Ms. Kida at ELLE DECOR to connect with and support designers. I really love her.

ジョアンナグローバルにつながっていくことも大切だけれど、東京でデザインウィークが開催されることも同様に大切なことかもしれません。日本は、すばらしいデザイナーや職人の宝庫だから、彼らをもっと世界に向けて発信するためにも、プロジェクトを推進できるプロデューサーやキュレーターには期待したい。デザイン産業の発展は、デザインやファッションの価値を伝えられる個人の力に大きく依存しています。グローバルなデザインウィークの人気を見ても、強い産業をつくるベースには、ディレクターや経営者のグローバルなコミュニティや、スワロフスキーのようなスポンサーとの良好な関係性があります。その価値を見出し、業界を前進させるのは常に個人です。日本で言えば、私も大好きなELLE DECORの木田さんのような、デザイナーをつなぎ、サポートしてくれる存在が本当に必要ですね。

HokutoYou're right. However in Japan, compared to designers, there are few design journalists, curators, and producers, especially from our generation.


JoannaYes, we have no prominent journalists like Tim Blanks or Suzy Menkes such as found in the fashion industry. I wonder if it's because it is unconventional for people in Japan to express strong opinions.

ジョアンナ確かにファッション業界を見ても、Tim BlanksやSuzy Menkesのような力を持ったジャーナリストがいません。日本では、何かを強く主張することが一般的ではないからでしょうか?

ToshiyaIt might also be due to Japan's critique culture not yet fully developed.


HokutoThere may be problems with education as well. I think current art and design trends should be added to the education curriculum.


Living in a world with coronavirus


HokutoWhat do you think designers should be doing after the COVID-19 pandemic is over?


JoannaI think technology and manufacturing methods will continue to advance, but above all, people's needs will change. As a result, I think the designer's output tied to this change will shift. For example, things that have more function will be in demand. All the industries, including fashion and design, had excessive production and excessive consumption. I think COVID-19 spurred us to think about what really is essential. Our lives might become more minimalistic. Many designers will perhaps think about what the true lifestyle is. Also, since the movement of people was restricted, air pollution was reduced and many places have clean air. In India, the Himalayas have become visible. However, I think in several months, we will see the ocean polluted by the many discarded masks and plastic face shields. Just as there is an urgency to develop a vaccine for the coronavirus, the development of alternative materials to plastics should be equally as urgent. Our environment and lives rely on it.


ToshiyaNow for your closing remarks to our readers.


JoannaFor many years, Japan has received international acclaim for excellent design. I think young designers have great potential. That's why they should aggressively venture out into the world. I think Japan's design industry would also develop further as a result.




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