Exploring the ideal thread through research on the silk industry
“What is the ideal thread?” This is the question driving a research project initiated by we+, NUNO, and Ogaki Bookstore. Conducted in collaboration with Reiko Sudo, the textile designer leading NUNO, the project focuses on the crucial silk-producing region of Tango. we+ conducted field research on various stages of silk production, including raising silk-worms, extracting fibers, milling thread and weaving. The results were showcased in the exhibition “KYOTO ITO ITO: Exploring Tango Threads—In search of the ideal thread.”
Project Details
Experiene the threads physically
The exhibition delves into the foundational element of textiles, the “thread,” examining how it is sourced, crafted, and transformed into woven fabrics. The exhibition allows viewers to peer through magnifying glasses, touch the materials to spotlight various processes and types of threads. This immersive approach aims to prompt a re-experience of the sensations felt by we+ and embody the rich world of “threads” for the audience.